
I am looking into participating with a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture), and I am interested in doing it for our family but also interested in looking at options for encouraging members of our church and community to do it as well. A new friend was telling me about her experience with helping a church become… Continue reading Connections


I spent a portion of last night at a nearby pharmacy waiting for some prescriptions to be filled to treat Mercy’s double ear infection. As I waited the “twenty-minute” hour and a half (why does it take so long to pour the medicine in the little jars???), I watched the steady stream of people in… Continue reading Covered

Categorized as Culture


I caught this story on NPR this morning on my very short drive to work. It reminded me of how deep and costly and tragic the consequences of racism have been in our country’s legal system. I can remember learning the scandal of this during my years in Chicago, and seeing how even the very… Continue reading Liars

New city, new normals

A few observations about life in the Pacific Northwest: -As I find myself out and about during the day with the kiddos, I notice that around here a lot of Dads are home during the day with their children. I remember noticing this when we here on vacation last year, and now that I live… Continue reading New city, new normals

No words needed

This is a brilliant photo essay. Thanks Shawn.

Categorized as Culture

My country, my lifetime

Having voted in this past election while a resident of Los Angeles, and while living among many African American neighbors, today felt a bit strange to watch the inaugural events in a very different kind of community and context. I am sure the day was significant for many around here, but apart from my Facebook… Continue reading My country, my lifetime

Why we can’t wait

The following post was written last year, the Sunday before Martin Luther King day. I thought I would re-post it here today, as I sit in a very different living room in a very different city… Last night Doug was working on planning the worship service for today while I finished cleaning up the day’s… Continue reading Why we can’t wait

Simply complex

In a recent post, David Fitch tackles head-on the issue of why the Missional and Emerging Church movements are so white. I resonated with some of his experiences and observations and thought I would share a few of my stories as well: I remember being at a justice and compassion conference hosted by my denomination… Continue reading Simply complex

Why church?

I was talking with someone on Friday and the topic turned toward the importance of community. Our context was a discussion about the reading of scripture, and I shared something one of my Fuller professors once said to a friend who was not interested in participating in any local church community but was committed to… Continue reading Why church?

“The church that came to me”

I read with interest Dan Kimball’s recent post on Christianity Today’s Out of Ur blog where he posed some questions about whether or not “missional” churches are churches that bear fruit in terms of effectively making disciples. He points to larger “attractional” churches (Willow Creek, for example) whose buildings and impressive gatherings seem to, in… Continue reading “The church that came to me”