
I was caught off guard today by my own emotions as I signed my name beneath my voter number in a dingy classroom behind a storefront church. The women who stood outside; the women staffing the table where I signed in; the women whose backs I could see already positioned in their voting booths in… Continue reading History

Who cares?

One of the things I have appreciated about my job of late is the opportunity to work with Mission Increase Foundation and evaluate patterns and practices in how Christian organizations think about fundraising, and what assumptions undergird what we do. I have so appreciated their consistent emphasis on helping individuals grow and deepen in their… Continue reading Who cares?

Deal or no deal

Before Doug and I were married, I worked as a coffee roaster for very dear friends and one way we used to amuse ourselves was to discuss what our “deal-breakers” would be in romantic relationships. It was always fascinating to have deeply held values or expectations revealed through the silly game. I had an interesting… Continue reading Deal or no deal

To join or attend?

I appreciated this post from my friend Grace this past week. She writes: If you are looking for a church to join, then you look for a vision or purpose that matters to you, a leader you respect, and people that you enjoy being around. If you are looking for a service to attend, the… Continue reading To join or attend?

Happy Day

In the span of just over a week, our family will celebrate my birthday, Elijah will turn one, my sister’s new baby’s will be born, and Mercy will turn four. It is a bit of a marathon, really, but what a reminder of how very much I have to be thankful for. I am heading… Continue reading Happy Day

Our little Ophelias

A few weeks back, my friend Christine posted an excerpt from an L.A. Times article that included a bunch of statistics released by the YWCA concerning women and girls and issues of image, beauty and societal pressure. I remember reading it and being sobered by the pervasive acceptance of plastic surgery as well as by… Continue reading Our little Ophelias