This week I have had two separate instances where something that I expected to have done could not be because of liability concerns. The first was when I contacted the Salvation Army to come and pick up a mattress we had purchased on Craigslist that ended up not being usable (long story). When the guys… Continue reading Liability
Author: erika
Black and white
I am not known for my love of the police. This dates back to a now infamous encounter my senior year at North Park with two of Chicago’s finest WHOM I FLAGGED DOWN one night a few blocks from my apartment. I had left my apartment to catch a cab when a creepy man started… Continue reading Black and white
Needed: perspective
Often I feel like life here is filled with sacrifice and costly choices. I can even focus on this at times and feel like the joy and life embedded in those things is not accessible or believable. It has been a strange season for me here in many ways. Having lived without many comforts and… Continue reading Needed: perspective
Happy Day
Let’s just say that my husband and four very dear friends pulled the most amazing surprise celebration for me for my birthday this weekend. Highlights included: • A song written by my husband with the repeated line: “Happy no-bun-in-the-oven-for-the second-time-since-the-weddin’ birthday” • Walking around downtown wearing a dinner roll with a big X drawn through… Continue reading Happy Day
Quotation of the Week
“…Christian spirituality, the contemplative life, is not about us. It is about God. The great weakness of American spirituality is that it is all about us: fulfilling our potential, getting the blessings of God, expanding our influence, finding our gifts, getting a handle on principles by which we can get an edge over the competition.… Continue reading Quotation of the Week
Today has been one of those days and it is only 10am! I am always really careful about handling beverages on my desk: where I place them, what they sit on so as not to leave a ring, etc. This morning I dumped a large, hot cup of coffee all over my desk and legs.… Continue reading T.G.I.F.?
People often ask me “what are your all-time favorite books?”, “who is your favorite author?”, “what are you currently reading?”, etc. In light of my upcoming birthday (hint hint), I thought I would share which books I am eager to acquire at the moment… With God in the Crucible: Preaching Costly Discipleship by P. J.… Continue reading Wishes
Preach for America
Everyone is familiar with “Teach for America”, where individuals are placed in underserved urban public school settings to live and teach for two years. This program attracts a variety of folks but holds an especially strong appeal to new and recent college grads, often from prestigious schools, who sincerely desire to use their gifts and… Continue reading Preach for America
Lights, camera, action…
I was just out on a long walk with my kids, and as we crossed Adams onto LaSalle I began noticing fliers stuck onto every gate and door with the letters ER in bold font across the top. Curious, I stopped to see what they were and found out that Warner Bros. will be filming… Continue reading Lights, camera, action…
The view from here
The crew of boys that often occupied the backyard space beneath our bathroom and bedroom windows has been gone for more than two weeks now. These guys were the source of a great deal of fear and vigilance on our parts as they were heavily involved in a variety of activities that made us nervous… Continue reading The view from here