Jingle Bells

Mercy’s favorite song right now is Jingle Bells. The other day I was walking the kids over to my sister’s house to play (they are our surrogate back-yard) when Mercy asked me to sing Jingle Bells for her. “Sure!” I said, as I started to sing. As I walked down Kenwood in the afternoon heat,… Continue reading Jingle Bells

A few thoughts…

You know you are at a park in Pasadena when… your children are the only kids there not wearing Crocs. the primary athletic event is Ultimate Frisbee. between you and your husband, you know half the people playing frisbee. every other parent pushing their kid on the swings is on their cell phone. the parking… Continue reading A few thoughts…

Our newest neighbor

This past week, we noticed a busy little hummingbird outside of the kids’ room windows. The hummingbirds usually buzz around the palm trees, but this one seemed intent on visiting the strand of porch lights. At some point, we realized he/she was building a nest, and we decided that his/her name was Sam. I just… Continue reading Our newest neighbor