Deal or no deal

Before Doug and I were married, I worked as a coffee roaster for very dear friends and one way we used to amuse ourselves was to discuss what our “deal-breakers” would be in romantic relationships. It was always fascinating to have deeply held values or expectations revealed through the silly game. I had an interesting… Continue reading Deal or no deal

Happy Day

In the span of just over a week, our family will celebrate my birthday, Elijah will turn one, my sister’s new baby’s will be born, and Mercy will turn four. It is a bit of a marathon, really, but what a reminder of how very much I have to be thankful for. I am heading… Continue reading Happy Day


Transition is in the air. Mercy started preschool this past week at a little Catholic school a few blocks away. The nuns are delightful and Mercy seems to be enjoying her experience very much. Elijah has started walking and talking. And at his physical yesterday, he weighed in at a not-so-modest twenty-seven pounds. My mom… Continue reading Change

Tributes to David Scholer

Fellow Fuller grad and Scriber, Patrick George McCullough, posted some great links to blog posts, articles and even some audio related to David Scholer and his passing. I found many of his links helpful and wanted to share them.

Daily reads

Though I have limited time for pleasure reading these days, I have a handful of blogs that I tend to check every day. They range in style and substance and for different reasons I appreciate their daily offerings. The other day I was scanning headlines and I came across a link to this blog on… Continue reading Daily reads

Remembering David

It was with a heavy heart that I received the news yesterday that David Scholer had passed away. Dr. Scholer was a truly remarkable man, remarkable most in his kindness, gentleness, and humility. A brilliant mind is not always fueled by a generous spirit, but David Scholer was that beautiful example of when it is,… Continue reading Remembering David

Wicked wins

The night before we left for our trip north, we had the amazing privilege of seeing the Los Angeles production of Wicked with our very dear friends. Many people had told us how incredible this show is and we had heard over and over again how we just HAD to go and see it. Of… Continue reading Wicked wins

Final score

This past weekend I was talking to a dear friend who has known me for most of my life. She is one of those people I have always admired deeply: her life has been a strong witness and inspiration to me. We were talking about a story I shared in my sermon that morning, and… Continue reading Final score

Ghetto basketball

Aaron loves playing basketball. Lauren has a little hoop attached to an overhang in her apartment, and it is probably daily that I hear the request from my son to “go to Lauren’s house!” So, the other day I decided to get creative and I cut out the bottom of a Noah’s Bagels’ box that… Continue reading Ghetto basketball

Yes, yes he is…

Mercy watched The Prince of Egypt yesterday at her little best friend’s house, and when I came over later and the kids were all playing in the playroom, I overheard Mercy role-playing with some random assortment of figurines. Two of them were God and Jesus, and they were talking to Moses telling him that he… Continue reading Yes, yes he is…