Quotation of the Week

“It seems like in the States, you don’t need anything. Everything is right there in front of you. But honestly it made me forget to pray, for this or that, in thanks to God. You forget to ask God for something because so much is already there. I think that’s why the poor are really… Continue reading Quotation of the Week

An email I just received from one of my favorite people in the world who just discovered my blog:

I have spent the past 30 min reading your thoughts.  In order to do so, I have had to do a substantial amount of yelling at my children. “Wipe your own bottom.  I’m reading about spirituality.” “I can’t read about Christ’s call for love when you are jumping on the bed and singing.” Then it… Continue reading An email I just received from one of my favorite people in the world who just discovered my blog:


My friend, Michelle, in Portland writes: I just got off of the phone with the shelter, it’s packed. The rain has brought a ton more kids in off of the streets and they’ll likely wait out the storm before they head back out onto the streets again. Harry’s Mother is a voluntary program for kids… Continue reading Help?


In a recent conversation with people involved in overseas mission, we broached the topic of those “in the field” who seek out therapy at some point for a range of issues. The comment was made that every therapist advises people to leave the field so that they can pursue their healing. The question was raised:… Continue reading Removal


A few days ago I wrote about how it feels to negotiate travel with two small children, and how I can feel like a nuisance or even an offense to those around me. Like the women seated in the row directly behind us on the plane. As soon as my body turned to begin the… Continue reading Welcome

Traveling mercies

It turned out to be no big deal to pass Mercy’s milk through the security at LAX. No questions even asked! I am pretty sure that the spectacle we were (at least eight buckets of things to pass through the X-Ray machine, in addition to two carseats and a very large double stroller and of… Continue reading Traveling mercies

To lie or defy?

I have to travel by plane tomorrow with my little ones. Mercy has a milk allergy and drinks only soy milk, and we will be on the plane long enough where I will need to provide that for her. Everything I am reading online is fairly clear: the only two things permitted for those traveling… Continue reading To lie or defy?