Top ten highlights from a long weekend in Florida

10. Sharing a house with two Chihuahuas, four canaries, and two of the largest cats I have ever seen9. Discovering that, in extreme heat and humidity, your eyes actually sweat

8. Living in a house with Tivo for five days


7. Sharing a backyard with a very large iguana

6. Eating Amy’s delicious “sauce” dinner, a recipe handed down to her from her Italian grandmother

5. Watching Mercy and Doug play in the swimming pool for hours each day

4. Driving to Miami with Amy and the babies and talking about being married to twins

3. Celebrating birthdays early with really good chocolate cake

2. Seeing Jeremy and Amy shower love onto their new little girl and her L.A. cousins

1. Meeting beautiful baby Zoe!!!

Categorized as Family

1 comment

  1. Top five things about last weekend:

    5. Grinning at my cousin Aaron across the table in South Beach.

    4. Sucking on my aunt Erika’s arm.

    3. Getting shushed by the master-shusher, my uncle Douglas.

    2. Kisses from my cousin Mercy.

    1. Finaly meeting the whole Cali-Haub cartel!

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