Here’s the better shot I promised. Little Sammy went from a fuzzy gray clump to this beautiful creature literally in days, and now he is gone. Lately Mercy has been bringing me “eggs” (random toys) to hatch for her. We checked out Horton Hatches the Egg from the library so I am pretty sure that… Continue reading Because Doug is a superior photographer (and considerably taller)…
Category: Misc.
It’s definitely just one bird
Here is a better shot of our little Sammy. I can’t believe how quickly he is growing!
Happy Day–33
As a woman who has given birth twice in the last three years, birthdays are something I view now with a sense of renewed significance. This total miracle that that day is, the day when raw life is celebrated in all of its beauty and terror, should never be lost on us as we look… Continue reading Happy Day–33
A few thoughts…
You know you are at a park in Pasadena when… your children are the only kids there not wearing Crocs. the primary athletic event is Ultimate Frisbee. between you and your husband, you know half the people playing frisbee. every other parent pushing their kid on the swings is on their cell phone. the parking… Continue reading A few thoughts…
Random happenings in the Haub house
The kids and I missed church again this week: Aaron was a snot factory (as I like to call it) and I can’t bear to bring my kids to the nursery when they are like that. I see other moms and dads do it, and it almost always means that later in the week we… Continue reading Random happenings in the Haub house
Tell us how you really feel about your naps right now, Mercy…
“Mercy, it’s time to get ready for your night-night.” “I don’t want to do ANYTHING but NOT take a night-night!”
Our newest neighbor
This past week, we noticed a busy little hummingbird outside of the kids’ room windows. The hummingbirds usually buzz around the palm trees, but this one seemed intent on visiting the strand of porch lights. At some point, we realized he/she was building a nest, and we decided that his/her name was Sam. I just… Continue reading Our newest neighbor
We went to see our OB this morning, and we were once again reassured that everything looks fine with our baby. I am less sore and a bit more functional today, and we received the wonderful surprise last night of Doug’s mom coming from Oregon to spend a few days with us to help out.… Continue reading Healing
Have you considered my servant, Erika…?
After a wonderful long weekend with Doug in downtown Chicago and a delightful (very full!) day on North Park’s campus, I was exhausted but joyful as I headed out the door of a nearby coffee shop with a young woman I had just met (thanks to this blog) the hour before. It was raining and… Continue reading Have you considered my servant, Erika…?
I will be taking a few days off from writing here, so please check back on Wednesday!