
We received tragic news during our trip home this past weekend: a hit and run accident that had claimed the life of a very dear friend of many people close to us had also taken the life of one of her twin boys. As I heard this news over my cell phone while we drove,… Continue reading Loss


Tonight we safely arrived back in Los Angeles after another three day adventure in the red van, or the Red Rocket Ship as it is now called thanks to the Little Einsteins TV show we discovered on Grandpa’s On Demand TV (or Little I Spies as Mercy likes to call them). We just missed a… Continue reading Home

The Mom

My dad took the morning off today to take the kids swimming at a great pool and recreation center in nearby Mountlake Terrace. It is the same pool where my sister and I took swimming lessons growing up, and the place is filled with great memories for me. Our kids love the water, and Doug… Continue reading The Mom

Licensed to bless

The other day I made my first venture out of the house alone with Elijah. Doug was home with the big kids and I needed to buy a hairdryer so I decided to make the trip to Target. I am not a shopper. I will do almost anything rather than shop, but I really needed… Continue reading Licensed to bless


Today is one of those days when I marvel at the wealth of our life here in L.A. When I look around and see the diversity of the people in Mercy, Aaron and Elijah’s life; when I see the kind of love and devotion that our church family shows to them daily; when I stop… Continue reading Rich

Welcome Elijah William Haub

Meaning: Elijah “The Lord is God” William “Resolute Protector” Born September 26, 2007. 9 pounds 9.1 ounces. 21 inches long. Beautiful. Simply beautiful. Thank you for your prayers and thoughts over these past months. Thank you.


This morning I took the kids to our local park to play, and it turned out two other moms from our church were there with their own kids, as well as my sister’s kids, so we ended up being quite the party! The park was almost completely deserted, which I have been told is actually… Continue reading Leaving

Friday night friends

Doug and I recently passed the five year mark of living in L.A. The year before we moved here, we fell into a friendship with a married couple from the Midwest. It was a random set of circumstances that brought them to Portland for three months, the fall that Doug and I got engaged, and… Continue reading Friday night friends

Heat wave

It was at some point on Sunday when I saw that the temperature in our bedroom (where Aaron takes his naps) was ninety-eight degrees that we realized that it was not a possibility for us to remain in our apartment for the afternoon. In desperation, I made a few phone calls to friends from church… Continue reading Heat wave