From Aaron this afternoon: “The B-I-B-L-E, yes that’s the book I eat…”
Category: Family
We’re here
We just got our internet connection installed today and I am excited to share a bit of our adventures of late. Snowstorms, first sermons and songs, a new house, lots of playing Wall-E, a sleepless baby, a new housemate, and a special dedication service this past Sunday for our new ministry posts have made for… Continue reading We’re here
Merry Christmas!
May you remember a day of greatest hopes fulfilled. May you celebrate His mercies that rise anew every morning. With love and joy, The Haubs
For now
My every moment these last days has been given to packing, sorting, taping, and not sleeping. I have much to share here but I will wait until my ability to communicate in full sentences returns.
“The church that came to me”
I read with interest Dan Kimball’s recent post on Christianity Today’s Out of Ur blog where he posed some questions about whether or not “missional” churches are churches that bear fruit in terms of effectively making disciples. He points to larger “attractional” churches (Willow Creek, for example) whose buildings and impressive gatherings seem to, in… Continue reading “The church that came to me”
What I will miss, Part I
As we prepare to leave here in a few weeks, my head and heart feel full of thought and sentiment around what we will so deeply miss about our life here. I thought I would share a bit of those things here… Last night, I sat for a few minutes on our little front porch,… Continue reading What I will miss, Part I
Aaron the Good
This past weekend I was rushing through Ralph’s with Mercy and Aaron when two very sweet older Latina women stopped us to ooh and aah over the kids. “AY, que LINDA!” the first woman said. “She called you GaLINDA, Aaron!” Mercy said, with huge eyes. Aaron looked up at the woman and broke into a… Continue reading Aaron the Good
Trusting that he who began a good work…
Yesterday I stood in front of our church family and tried to speak through my sobs as I announced that our family would be moving at the end of this month. Doug and I have accepted calls to serve my home church in Shoreline, Washington and we begin there on January first of the coming… Continue reading Trusting that he who began a good work…
A new take on the Trinity
I found myself singing some random kid’s song while I was unloading the dryer one day last week with some line about “up she rises” in it. Mercy was in the dining room and shouted to me: “No, mommy, it’s a HE.” “What’s a he?” I asked her, confused. “The sun. The sun is a… Continue reading A new take on the Trinity
Thankful hearts
In the midst of preparing the “killed bird” as Aaron like to call it, we took time as a family today to reflect on things we are thankful for and draw pictures of them. We then cut out our pictures and hung them with string on a big cut-out tree. The Haubs are officially thankful… Continue reading Thankful hearts