One of our favorite breakfasts here at the Haub house is something we call “puff”. Four eggs, one cup flour, one cup milk and some melted butter make for a very tasty morning treat. The big kids typically help with the measuring and mixing, so they know the recipe: 411, as we call it. This… Continue reading A whole lotta faith
Category: Family
When Doug and I were first married, good friends gave us a really nice bottle of Medeira. They told us to wait a year to drink it, and in spite of my pleading on numerous occasions to crack it open that first year, Doug held fast to our friend’s instructions. Doug proudly reported to our… Continue reading Tonight
The other day I was loading the kids into the van, and the way that works is the big kids get into their seats in the very back row while I put Elijah in, then I come to other side and sit on the folded down middle seat while I buckle the two of them… Continue reading Freedom
Prophetic imagination
We often talk to the kids about how we hope to someday live in South Africa for a season. They will bring up Africa on occasion, and we will imagine together what life there might look like someday. Yesterday, Aaron and I ended up in the bathroom after quite a search for a certain toy… Continue reading Prophetic imagination
According to Aaron
“When you jump out of a plane, a parachute comes down and gets you and brings you back.”
What’s in a name?
This past Sunday, Doug kept Mercy with us for the first half of the worship service. In L.A. I almost always kept the kiddos with me for the singing part of our service. We met in a school cafeteria and our worship gatherings had an informality to them that allowed for our younger members to… Continue reading What’s in a name?
Creative parenting
“Why does Aaron think there are dragons that live at Ronald Bog?” “Oh, they don’t live there. They only sleep there at night.” “Why does he think this?” “Well, because I told him.” “You told him that Ronald Bog is full of dragons?” “Only at night!” “Why did you tell him this?” “Well, he didn’t… Continue reading Creative parenting
Why we can’t wait
The following post was written last year, the Sunday before Martin Luther King day. I thought I would re-post it here today, as I sit in a very different living room in a very different city… Last night Doug was working on planning the worship service for today while I finished cleaning up the day’s… Continue reading Why we can’t wait
Anyone who has spent any amount of time with my daughter knows that Mercy is HIGHLY particular about colors. From a very young age she loved pink, and at some point early on she developed a strong sense of what she calls “girl colors” and “boy colors”. And she is ADAMANT about colors being appropriate… Continue reading Colors
Coming home
Having just moved back to the community where I was raised following six and a half years in Los Angeles (and stints in Portland, Spokane, and Chicago before that), I am remembering some of the things I love about living here. As I type this, my two big kids are tromping around outside, running up… Continue reading Coming home