Mix tape

I often write here about the sights and sounds of my neighborhood. It is a lively place that surprises and intrigues me, and while there are occasionally things that shock me there are many more things that begin to feel quote normal and expected. Like loud parties with lots of Mariachi or hip-hop music that… Continue reading Mix tape

Preaching: A meal for the whole family

I preached yesterday on the subject of “testimony,” or telling our story. We are beginning a series at our church that looks at our spiritual growth through different aspects of our Christian life: prayer, fasting, racial righteousness, reading the Bible, etc. My sermon was the first of the series and I explored the reasons why… Continue reading Preaching: A meal for the whole family

Quotation of the Week

“And thus when we want an authentic experience of communion with Christ, the church is often the last place we think of–it’s full of all those fallen people. Instead, we retreat from the church into private prayer. There we have only one sinner to account for, and we imagine that with a little fervent prayer… Continue reading Quotation of the Week

Mystery solved

As I mentioned in an earlier post, Mercy has been insistent about what she wants for her birthday party this Sunday: party hats, pink cake, and hot dogs. I have wondered why these particular things held such great importance to her, but since I am one who tends to have her heart definitively set on… Continue reading Mystery solved

Categorized as Family

Quotation of the Week

“It is likely that our theological problem in the church is that our gospel is a story believed, shaped, and transmitted by the dispossessed; and we are now a church of possessions for whom the rhetoric of the dispossessed is offensive and their promise is irrelevant. And we are left to see if it is… Continue reading Quotation of the Week