Lauren came over yesterday evening to help me with bedtime for the boys while Doug ran Mercy to our pediatrician’s office with a suspected ear infection (this was the first time that Mercy informed us of an ear-ache BEFORE 2am so we were grateful). Lauren was getting ready to run to the corner store with the baby to buy drinks for my new members class I was teaching last night when she said to me: “Hey, guess who was at VeggieSoul today?”
VeggieSoul is, as the name indicates, a vegetarian Soul Food joint, and it occupies the other half of the storefront where our tutoring program is located.
I could not fathom who Lauren could be talking about. Our neighborhood is not known for frequent star sightings. “Who?” I asked.
“Stevie Wonder.”
Apparently one of the summer interns spotted him and called the others to the door where they crowded around to see him and a buddy grab some food and take off in a shiny SUV. He lives in L.A. and Doug told me that his studio is a few blocks to the north of us in Koreatown.
Stevie Wonder at VeggieSoul. Awesome.
awesome and yet…yes, that totally makes sense 🙂