On a personal note…

I’ve been hired!

On September first I will begin working part-time for Servant Partners, a mission agency with a truly astounding commitment to holistic church-planting among the urban poor. I am thrilled to call the folks of this organization my new ministry family, and I am grateful to God for the provision of this job. It comes just in the nick of time financially, and allows for great flexibility for a mother of two very young kids. And it is a job I will enjoy: helping to share the stories of God’s global work among those declared the least, and inviting individuals and churches to join arms with us in prayerful and practical ways.

I am thrilled too that this job intersects our work here at Church of the Redeemer. Our church is one of the ministry sites for Servant Partners’ two-year urban ministry internship here in L.A. We share our lives deeply with these interns (a crew of whom are currently living accross the street), and we are so blessed to be a part of what God is doing in their hearts through this experience.

Please pray for our family as we add this significant new venture to our lives. Even before the synagogue had to stop paying Doug we were set to close the year in the red, and now with the loss of that income we are really in a challenging place. This job will certainly help, but we are still looking to that mysterious “grace of God” line item as we like to call it, praying for our family’s needs to be met.


  1. Erika! Yeah! God is good, I’m so happy for you to have the job-both for it’s financial provision and for providing an outlet for you! We will continue to pray for the “grace of God” line item for you all. However, you know I’m also adding my hopes and prayers that God is going to move you to Portland! Blessings friend.


  2. 1. I’m praying. I never knew how much I didn’t know about God being in charge of my provision until it wasn’t in my hands anymore.

    2. I’m with Susie on the Portland thing… it’s a purely selfish thing, but I figured I should tell you that I’ve asked the Lord Most Holy to orchestrate a PDX address for the Haub family.

  3. Thanks for the prayers and for the Portland wishes! That desire is never far from my own heart as well 🙂

  4. Amen to PDX. We read about the gang-bangers and the like, and it chills our hearts. We love you, and support your decisions, but we can’t help but worry about your vulnerability in LA. There are many areas where you could minister in Portland, or perhaps even moreso in Hillsboro which has a large and growing Hispanic population.

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