An alternative

My friend, Jamie, tagged me with a meme he is starting. Reflecting on a quote from St. Francis he writes: “The life of the Christian should be burning with such a light of holiness that by their very example and conduct, their life will be a rebuke to the wicked.” (St. Francis) In an era… Continue reading An alternative

Missional: is it rocket science?

Last week a group of us from Servant Partners gathered for a workshop on Knowledge Management, ably led by a dear friend to our organization. When our executive director introduced Jason, she shared with us about his ministry involvements in Northwest Pasadena through an organization called Northwest Neighbors. And then, almost as an afterthought she… Continue reading Missional: is it rocket science?

A good conversation

This past week, Doug wrote a guest post here that received extensive comments resulting in a quality dialogue about the identity of the church. I thought I would post a few excerpts here: I think the concept of outreach versus inreach itself strikes a dissonant chord in me. When I read through the gospels, I… Continue reading A good conversation

Quotation of the Week Again

“It isn’t often that I can make God and George Bush happy at the same time.” From a comment at Out of Ur by Ethan Magness discussing a young person’s plan to buy a washer and dryer for a family in need as a Christian response to spending the Economic Stimulus check.

Making some noise

I happened upon a post by Eugene Cho today that speaks well to the issue of giving public testimony, as Christians, about our monetary giving (something I have mentioned here recently). Eugene and his wife, Minhee, are dedicating their earnings for an entire year toward launching a humanitarian organization to battle world poverty and one… Continue reading Making some noise

The rocks will cry out

A few weeks ago I mentioned that the church could do a better job of sharing testimonies that have to do with our relationship with money. I just got a great link from my sister to a little article that ran recently in People Magazine about some friends of ours. Take a look!