
I am almost always eligible for the carpool lane. With three babies four and under, I have grown accustomed to traveling in groups, and when I am on the freeway or coming up an on-ramp, I barely even think before moving myself into whatever carpool lane is available. Since beginning my job here in Shoreline,… Continue reading Default

Midday text messages from Doug…

From Aaron: I have to tell you something. What Zaccheus threw on the floor was blood money. From Mercy: You mean Judas? From Aaron: Yeah, Judas. It was blood money.

A room with a view

“Row or Die!” These were the words Doug read from the side of a building outside my window. Not the most tactful message to have outside of a hospital room, however the view of the lake and the bridge and even the appearance of some sunshine was quite cheerful. Yes, the sun is now an… Continue reading A room with a view

An Easter reminder

My kids love to be read to, and part of our nightly ritual is sitting on one of their beds after they are all tucked in and reading sections of a longer chapter book. We alternate between books from the library, books we own and have read before, and the big children’s Bible they love.… Continue reading An Easter reminder

Good question, Mercy

We were driving home from the airport today, and after a stop by Fuller to visit Doug, a drive-by visit to the Troll, and a brief playtime at Woodland Park, we were close to home when I turned on the radio for the last minutes of the drive. The Mountain was playing INXS and I… Continue reading Good question, Mercy

Categorized as Family

Another Mercy

When we were deciding what to name our first child, Doug and I had a funny experience where someone made a joke about a name we could use and then commented that the nickname for that name could be “Mercy”. Neither of us said anything to each other in the moment, but later we both… Continue reading Another Mercy


Aaron has been walking around this past week singing the worship song: “This is the Day…” I thought it was a bit curious that he was singing it so much until I found out that the kids have been rehearsing the song during Sunday School in preparation for Palm Sunday when they will walk through… Continue reading Backfire


I am looking into participating with a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture), and I am interested in doing it for our family but also interested in looking at options for encouraging members of our church and community to do it as well. A new friend was telling me about her experience with helping a church become… Continue reading Connections