Haubs and Kinnons and Staubs, oh my!


Imbi, Erika, Bill and Doug

2 Haubs, 2 Staubs, 2 Kinnons part 2

Erika and Bill - the blog buddies

We made it up to Orcas Island for the last full day of KindlingsFest 2009 and had a delightful day with new friends and old. The Staub girls courageously wrangled our children for much of the day, and Kathy was the consummate hostess as always. A chance to spend time with Imbi and Bill Kinnon was a total treat! The day ended with dessert and wine at the Staub house with an amazing view of the thunderstorm. It was well worth the 4:30am wake-up and late night post-ferry drive home.

(Photos courtesy of Bill and Imbi Kinnon.)


  1. Well, you and Jacob will just have to make your way out here one of these days 🙂

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