A Confirmation Blessing

For your head: may the words you have committed to memory today return to you often to guide, encourage, and sustain you. And may this day mark the beginning of a habit of lifelong study and learning. There will not always be a hefty notebook and tests, but there will always be those with something… Continue reading A Confirmation Blessing

Blog love

So, in honor of Blog Comment Day, I have spoken up online at blogs that I visit but where I typically remain a quiet observer. So, here are the five posts that stirred my comments! Check them out…and join the challenge to leave five comments on the blogs you read and enjoy. Eugene Cho’s post… Continue reading Blog love

Categorized as Writing

I dream of blogging

Last night I had this extensive dream about a live performance of a symphony Doug had written. The dream included the performance, different people who were there with us, and a host of things that happened immediately following the performance. Then, very clearly, I dreamt the blog post I wrote about the whole experience. I… Continue reading I dream of blogging


I love poetry. Recently I have been reminded of this from a range of sources, and I am enjoying the recovery of this part of who I am. A few weeks ago, Doug was sitting on the futon piecing together worship songs and powerpoint slides while I sat at my computer trying to find a… Continue reading Alessandra

Missional: is it rocket science?

Last week a group of us from Servant Partners gathered for a workshop on Knowledge Management, ably led by a dear friend to our organization. When our executive director introduced Jason, she shared with us about his ministry involvements in Northwest Pasadena through an organization called Northwest Neighbors. And then, almost as an afterthought she… Continue reading Missional: is it rocket science?

Sharing the love

It is not uncommon for certain details to get lost in the shuffle of our little life here, and just today I noted that two generous souls tagged me for different blogging awards and I have yet to respond in kind. So, thank you Suz and Jim for your kind words and your appreciation of… Continue reading Sharing the love


I will be taking a few days off from writing here, so please check back on Wednesday!

Let me think…

One of my favorite bloggers, More Than Stone, has honored me with the Thinking Blogger’s Award. Thanks, Jamie! So, now I am to pass the honor on to 5 blogs that make me think. So here goes… Jamie-Arpin Ricci Bill Kinnon Don Johnson John Santic Maurice Broaddus Your mission (if you are one of the… Continue reading Let me think…