Earth’s crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God; But only he who sees, takes off his shoes – The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning (via Dick Staub)
Erika Carney Haub's musings on life and God from South Central, L.A.
Earth’s crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God; But only he who sees, takes off his shoes – The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning (via Dick Staub)
Nice quote, and so true.
I grew up with this quote. My pastor repeated it I don’t know how many times. For those who see the fire, it is an excruciating experience while others wander and pick and rest. The crowd creates a centrifugal force to their center. But I can’t unsee the bush burning.