Quotation of the Week

“No, the one who in love forgets himself, forgets his suffering, in order to think of someone else’s, forgets all his misery in order to think of someone else’s, forgets what he himself loses in order lovingly to bear in mind someone else’s loss, forgets his advantage in order lovingly to think of someone else’s – truly, such a person is not forgotten. There is one who is thinking about him: God in heaven…The self-lover is busy; he shouts and makes a big noise and stands on his rights in order to make sure he is not forgotten- and yet he is forgotten. But the one who loves, who forgets himself, is recollected by love. There is One who is thinking of him…”

Soren Kierkegaard, Works of Love (read this in the comments section of one of Eugene Cho’s blog posts)


  1. I think only people who’ve left both crude and even more sophisticated forms of religious fundamentalism should be quoting SK.


    Actually, few if any of us will be recollected beyond a generation or two whether we were good or evil or temporarily famous or unknown or whatever.

    Some historical figures–mostly because of their temporal power over others–are remembered, but those remembrances normally have little to do with what the person was actually like. Historical figures end up spun by people in the present to make a case for whatever they’re trying to sell. Biography is mostly a tool in the current fight.

    No reason to try to be remembered cuz it’s not going to happen. Better to fight for what you think is life giving in the present.

    And in that fight, shouting and making a big noise can be very effective, as any community organizer or prophet or biblical leader worth her salt knows.

  2. I remember Volf quoting that in his discussion on memory. It’s a beautiful quotation. I think it’s especially challenging when we discuss forgiveness. I’ve heard people who are challenged by Jesus to forgive so worried that they will be passed over and forgotten and dehumanized all over again because they forgive the other person. Kierkegaard’s words remind us that we are ultimately loved and remembered when we love others with forgiveness.

  3. Was a big SK fan before I was a sophisticated fundamentalist or even a Christian.

    Didn’t intend to get back in the mix here but this post sort of got my attention because of a pre-existing condition :^)

    I appreciate your thoughtful comments Tyler.

    That’s the truth.

    I’m trying to get there. Little by little.

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