This is the main reason why I abhor that phrase, “the race card” — even more than I hate the d-word.
I wish that being Black was something I could just conveniently pull out when it suited me. Because then I wouldn’t have to sweat as much if I get pulled over by deputies in rural Oregon counties. If I could keep the race card in my pocket, and make sure it doesn’t slip out when I’m handing the officer my license and registration, then life would be a lot simpler.
From Jelani Greenidge
Great quote. Race has been increasingly on our hearts and minds of late, what with our adoption from Ethiopia is concerned.
It’s been exciting to track with you guys the adoption process–what a journey and what a gift. And with trans-racial adoption, race is a very significant piece to that as recent studies are pointing out. I know that you and Kim will engage that part of your family’s journey earnestly and faithfully.