Quotation of the Week Many often say the reason for this issue [Women in Ministry] today is because some are trying to be “biblicalâ€. But that raises this question: Why pick this biblical issue and not some other? Like the poor (more are awaking on this one I’m happy to say) or the reality of miracles or tongue-speaking (clearly taught and practiced) or the presence of prophesying? Here’s the question as I see it: Why are some choosing to be “biblical†on this issue and not others in the Western world? And, in light of our lengthy series on women in ministry, why are they choosing to be “narrowly†biblical? That is, why are they focused on 1 Tim 2:11-15 or 1 Cor 14:34-35 and not on “what women did do and making sure that they still can do those thingsâ€? The beginnings of a great conversation on Scot McKnight’s blog this past week…