Our Church

This blog is by no means an official site for our church! However, due to the number of inquiries I get about the church I though I would share a bit:

I am a member of the pastoral team at Church of the Redeemer, an Evangelical Covenant church in South Central, L.A. We are a multicultural church with a parish mindset: we believe that our church exists for God’s glory here in our community. We are active in ministries of mercy and justice, and work in tandem with Redeemer Community Partnership, our non-profit that focuses on community organizing and education. Church of the Redeemer is in its fourth year as a Covenant church-plant, under the pastoral leadership of Danny Martinez. To learn more about the mission and methods of our denomination’s church-planting movement, please visit their website.

Church of the Redeemer has a wonderful partnership with Pasadena Covenant Church, a body of believers who have committed themselves through labor, prayer, and financial partnership, to join us in our efforts to plant this church. We are grateful beyond measure for their steadfast companionship and faithful support.

Doug and I came to L.A. to be a part of this church-plant. I currently serve as a teaching pastor, and have served in past years as the board chairperson and as the director of Adventures Ahead, our community literacy program for grade school youth. Doug serves as our worship pastor.

Doug and I are not employed by our church. We live here as tentmakers, working jobs that can enable us to do ministry. Doug works at Fuller Seminary in Pasadena, and I do development work for Servant Partners, a missions agency that supports holistic church-plants among the world’s urban poor.

If you have additional questions about our ministry, or are interested in supporting us, please feel free to use the contact form on this site.



  1. very nice site, erika…i found the link at Scot McKnight’s blog and enjoy your honesty and sense of mission…i’m here in sunny el-ay working in urban youth ministry…stay strong in Him…

  2. Ericka; I just checked out where you live and where your church is. Our church, Montecito Covenant in Santa Barbara is sending a crew to your church on Sunday September 16 as part of a PSWC Vision-trip. I can’t be there, but my wife Martha should be along with the group. I hope you have a chance to meet some of them. Peace…stay cool!

  3. Don,

    I hope to be there (off of bed-rest at last!) and will be doing the welcome. I am eager to meet Martha…I am a big fan of the altar pieces she designs for your church.

  4. The church does not, at the moment, but I hear there are plans for one to be launched soon. I will post something when they launch. Thanks for asking!

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