Mother’s Day highlights

Singing Happy Mother’s Day to Grammy, Grammaline and Lauren (who is visiting her family in Hookem, Texas) over the phone.

Preaching at Church of the Redeemer.

Letting the kids eat way too many sweets at the church brunch.

Taking a long nap with Mercy after church (well, I slept at least!)

Crunchy-lunch-dinner at California Pizza Kitchen with my wonderful husband and precious babies.

Rocking out with Aaron to Jack Johnson in front of the mirror in the girl’s bathroom at CPK.

A big cup of Starbucks Pike’s Place roast.

Mercy asking when “Daughter Day” was.

Patty-cake, knocking down towers and cuddling with Elijah before bed.

Not being pregnant.


  1. Thank you Mercy & Aaron for my special song…I loved it. And thanks to all of you for the beautiful flowers. They are in a “birdhouse” planter and very pretty. By the way, we have a mommy Robin sitting on a beautiful blue egg in a nest right outside the bedroom window in the rhododendron bush…if we can we will try to take a picture of the baby when it hatches. Love, love, love to you all!!!

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