Mere Makeover

For the last few months, I have been a contributor to a website called Mere Mission. It has been a great site that gathers and shares posts from various blogs that relate to living missionally. I have met some very cool people through this site, and have found blogs that are now daily reads for me. And perhaps my contributions have been helpful to some of its readers.

This past week, Mere Mission has undergone an exciting makeover and the site now includes the opportunity for many people to register and share their thoughts about living as people who participate in God’s mission to the world.
Todd Hiestand, the site’s founder writes:

I fear that when most people hear the words “missional” they have no clue what we are talking about. Start throwing around words like “incarnational” and “missiologist” and they are pretty much checking out and looking for someone who will give them something that sounds a little more relevant. The goal with mere mission is to search the riches of the field of missional theology and see if we can’t make it a bit more accessible to those it is really meant for.

This project is in one sense a journey of learning. It is about helping each other work out what it means to be missional in the culture we find ourselves in.

We trust that we have much to learn from each other. Welcome to the conversation…

I encourage you to check it out and and consider registering to contribute to the conversation that is taking place there.

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