This morning I had the privilege of gathering to pray with a group of women who meet weekly to pray for the needs of the SCC family. My mom would always tell me about how this group, “the prayer ladies” as she called them, prayed for me over the years, especially during our time in L.A., so it was a bit surreal to sit among them and pick up the little index cards which chronicle the needs of this community. We prayed for an hour, prayed until every card had been taken and the needs written on it offered up to God. I happened to pick up the card that had Church of the Redeemer written on it, and it felt so strange to sit so many miles away and intercede on behalf of our other “family”.
I’ve never really understood petitionary prayer – like God can’t quite see what the priorities are and needs us tugging at His/Her sleeve. Or gives oil to the squeaking wheels.
And it’s clear that more and more, the whole world is in our hands. Praying against global warming ain’t gonna cut it.
But I have found contemplative prayer effective.