Where the controversy arises is from the fact that Obama’s narrative (his racial and cultural background, his Christian faith, his intellect, his conciliatory manner) are foreign to most white Americans, especially when it comes to presidential candidates. His story requires white Americans to deviate from the standard script too much. With President Bush, it was… Continue reading Quotation of the Week
Category: Quotation of the Week
Quotation of the Week
People who have encountered the cross, people who have carried a small part of it, know something that is the source of incredible joy: that evil is only the second-most powerful force in the universe. Do you know that? That is what the cross tells us—that there is something bigger and wider and deeper than… Continue reading Quotation of the Week
Quotation of the Week
When a staff person in a church is approached by a church member with a criticism about another staff person, that staff member should ask four questions: 1. Have you personally talked with the person mentioned? 2. Would you like me to go with you when you do? 3. What is your intention in raising… Continue reading Quotation of the Week
Quotation of the Week
What if truth spoken without love Is the greatest lie of all? What if certainty offered hatefully Is quicksand after all? Did Jesus once dismiss the Bible quoter As the very devil himself? Suppose our hearts can twist Saving truth into a damning words Even as they leave our mouths. What if truth spoken without… Continue reading Quotation of the Week
Quotation of the Week
I am convinced that the time has come for Christians to develop an exit strategy from the public schools. Some parents made this decision long ago. The Christian school and home school movements are among the most significant cultural developments of the last thirty years. Other parents are not there yet. In any event, an… Continue reading Quotation of the Week
Quotation of the Week
“Church becomes a defense against falling into the arms of the living God.” Will Willimon in a lecture at Fuller Seminary
Quotation of the Week
“We know from our own lives that we overlook the unhappiness around us. If we were fully aware of all the things the people around us struggle with—in our family, in our office, in our place of work—and if we were fully aware of the cries of the hungry, the degraded, and the suffering in… Continue reading Quotation of the Week
Quotation of the Week
Collecting food, like collecting toys for tots at Christmas, is the easy part – logistically demanding, perhaps, but fascinating fodder for the promoter and entrepreneur. Devising new methods of distribution, on the other hand, methods that enable the poor to participate in reciprocal exchange, methods that require mutual investment on the part of both donor… Continue reading Quotation of the Week
Quotation of the Week
I saw why I detested and resisted owning my privilege. It was like suddenly discovering that my lineage, the DNA of my being, had been pumped full of tainted performance-enhancing drugs. It degraded my accomplishments, diminished my successes, and polluted an innocence that had told me that all I had were well-deserved prizes won by… Continue reading Quotation of the Week
Quotation of the Week
Justice is what love looks like in public. Tavis Smiley quoting Cornel West (from Christine Scheller)