A rose by any other name…

Sorry for the long bout of silence here. I was in a minor car accident with the boys that left me pretty sore for a couple of weeks, and in the midst of recovering from that we all came down with the lovely H1N1 virus. Doug and I are alternating three-hour shifts caring for the kiddos which is about as long as either of us can handle.

I am wondering if this would be any less miserable if it was called the Gazelle Flu, or the Butterfly Flu, or the Squirrel Flu? Swine just sounds so hard-core…

Categorized as Family


  1. I’ve missed your posts. And I should’ve asked you where you’ve been. I’m a lousy friend – but still love you guys… however feebly.

    Perhaps I have the Turkey flu.

  2. It’s so HARD to just drop stuff off on the porch and not come in and give everyone hugs…I get a little teary every time I see little Elijah standing there crying “Grammy…come back. Come back Grammy.”

  3. I found your blog by chance(?) amongst our vast list of bookmarks this evening. My seriously sick kid experiences are still etched with pain into my memory banks. We will be praying for you all.

    Missed you in class today Doug: Constantine/Monasticism. Charlie put on his blue jacket and called for us to rally to his vision for a Christian America. We didn’t know quite what to say.

    Love to you all.


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