I went in there wondering if Bono was a Christian, and I came out wondering if I was.
Overheard at a Willow Creek pastor’s conference session featuring a video presentation of a discussion between Bill Hybels and Bono.
From the November 13th Newsweek, “An Evangelical Identity Crisis”
(I realized I did not provide a link to the full article which some may find helpful: here it is)
We are showing the interview with Bono on an upcoming Sunday to help us respond to the HIV/AIDS crisis. I agree with the quote on yor site. After the interview with Bono this summer I walked away stunned into a new reality. I thought the interview was going to be just another celeb deal. Instead it was insight, conviction, healing and real.
I would love to see the interview! I am grateful for prophetic voices like his that help us see God’s heart for the world. It is good too, I think, for the church to be surprised and humbled now and then by who God chooses to use as a mouthpiece.
I went to the UK videocast of the Willow Global Leadership Summit (see my blog 10th October) and was really challenged by what Bono had to say whilst being interviewed by Hybels. The quote “I went in there wondering if Bono was a Christian, and I came out wondering if I was” is interesting. I think if we were all honest it probably affected us all the same way!
According the Hybels, Willow will be releasing copies on DVD to participating leaders when copyright issues have been sorted out. If you know someone who went the the GLS they might have a copy soon! It’s well worth a look.
Found your site via breathefire. I will come back and read more soon.
Thanks, Pete. I really would be quite eager to see that footage. I will snoop around and see if I can get a hold of it once it is released. Thanks for sharing your first-hand impresions with us!