Prophetic imagination

We often talk to the kids about how we hope to someday live in South Africa for a season. They will bring up Africa on occasion, and we will imagine together what life there might look like someday. Yesterday, Aaron and I ended up in the bathroom after quite a search for a certain toy he had misplaced.

“Aaron, I’m sorry but I just can’t find it!” I finally said.

He looked at me, and then sighed. “I think maybe we left it in South Africa…”

Categorized as Family


  1. If only we could keep our child-like imaginations as we get older… this reminds me of many comments from the mouths of my, now, 8 & 6 year olds. If only I could ride around in their beautiful minds for a day…
    Great story!

  2. Re your last and your comment there, your posts are always interesting.

    As for this one, no doubt prophetic imagination can get out in front of present potential for service.

    Most folks I’ve met in the church who really feel that tension retreat–over time–into either conservatism or cynicism when push comes to shove.

    I’m one of those who tend to take a step back into cynicism.

    Most evangelicals and fundamentalists I’ve run across over the years fall back into happy talk ideological conservatism. Lots of clever online versions of that particular take tend to advertise themselves as ‘a third way’ these days.

    Some of us are caught between a rock and a hard place :^)

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